Monday, March 7, 2011


So earlier this weekend it was nice and warm (by warm I mean about 40 degrees), raining and most of the snow had disappeared. I woke up this morning and there was another foot of snow on the ground. The weather in Potsdam, NY is CRAZY! This happens every year, one day it will be warm outside and the next there will be snow! Last year we got a ton of snow at the end of April during finals week, who knows when it will stop snowing this year. By this point of the year, I am so sick of all of that fluffy white stuff. The first snow fall is always nice, and I do like to occasionally go skiing but by mid-March seriously, enough is enough.

The picture I posted here is from a few weeks ago. Just wanted you to see that I wasn't kidding around about the amount of snow around here. Believe it or not my car is under there and I had to dig it out. Luckily, some random people helped me unshovel my car and then push it out. Here's to hoping the snow stops!

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