Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Senior Year

So I just finished another semester at Clarkson, leaving one more to go! I thought I would give a quick update on my senior year, and my plans for after college. Right now, we are on Christmas break, we have about three weeks off in between semesters. I don't have too many big plans for the break, I have a lot of extended family in Connecticut so I visited them over the weekend, went to a family Christmas party, it was really nice to see everyone. I just plan on relaxing for the majority of break, and eating a lot of food, lol. Once New Year's comes around I am going to start some serious New Year's resolutions with working out 3-4 times a week and eating a lot healthier. My eating and work-out habits have gotten awful, I was actually better when I first got to college than I am now. I did the same resolution my freshman year of college and I actually stuck with it really well. When I was in England I didn't work out or really eat healthy and that has pretty much been the same path that I have followed since. I think I should be able to stick with it alright, New Year's is a time for fresh starts! :)

Enough about that, I have some exciting news - I have a job for when I graduate from Clarkson! :D I will be working for IBM as a Global Business Services Consultant in their Consulting by Degrees Program! I am so excited, I think that this is the perfect job for me when I graduate! As part of the consulting by degrees program I will be able to learn about all areas of consulting. The job will entail a lot of traveling which right now is very exciting to me, but I am sure over time this will become less exciting. . .

Oh another exciting thing! I am part of an Exchange Buddy Program that Clarkson offers where current Clarkson students become "buddies" with International students that study abroad at Clarkson. Last semester I had the best buddy ever - her name was Amelie and she was from France. I said goodbye to her a couple of weeks ago, and although I didn't get to hang out with her that much I will miss her! It seems like just yesterday she arrived and I was taking her to the bank and Wal-Mart and now she is gone. Anyways, next semester I have a buddy from England and I am really excited - I miss the English accents and fashion. :)

I think thats enough for now!

<3 Jen

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