Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Summer Fun

School is about to start again for most students, but since I am going to England for my Fall 2009 semester, I don't start until the end of September. So I will be working while my friends are attending classes until I leave for the United Kingdom. I was really surprised when I first found out how late they start classes over there. Their semester goes until February, but I will finish the last month from back at Clarkson University while my classes here have also begun. I have pretty much everything I need to go, I have my plane ticket, visa, and most essential items. I ordered new luggage today, so hopefully that will work out well.

Now for an update on what I have been up to lately. A couple weekends ago I went camping at Higgley Flow State Park. It was a lot of fun, and I didn't realize that a state park was so close to Potsdam. There were a lot of things to do at the campground, from fishing, to hiking, and hanging out at the beach. I even went to a star gazing class and learned some pretty cool information about the sky. I definitely plan to go camping every summer now that I had so much fun this time. My boyfriend and I made eggs and bacon using tinfoil and cooked them over a grill. They actually turned out really well, suprisingly! We made smores of course, and overall had a great time!

Last weekend, I spent a lot of time hanging out at Lake Bonaparte and doing a lot of skiing, wakeboaring and boating. It is finally starting to get nice now that summer is coming to an end. I wish that the weather would have been really nice the whole summer instead of wet and rainy. I better get use to the rain though, as I am going to be in England soon!

That's all for now. :)

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